22 February 2009

week 3 - 2009; 365 project

And then I give you week 3-2009. I have so much fun scrapping these :D

Sorry for writing in Norwegian, but I do want to make them into a book at the end of the year - and I don't think that that will happen if I have to translate 52+ scrap pages to my own language before I get them printet... Please ask if you want a short translation - or just jump over to my blog and the 365-project archive where I've written a bit about the days in English ;)

Paper by from Ziggly Designs, scraporchard.
Template and elements from Life 365 series by Gina Marie Huff/ Weeds and Wildflowers

16 February 2009

week 2 - 2009

Finally finished another couple of LO's with my 365-photos!! My journal is in Norwegian, but if you want to read a little about the days you can visit my blog and the project-365 section

week 2(a)

week 2(b)

Paper by from Pineapple Plantation Designs; template and elements from Life 365 series by Gina Marie Huff/ Weeds and Wildflowers

2 new M-boys; CT scrap

Saturday I finally finished my CT-assignment for last week, I think I tried this in three different ways before I got the look I wanted.... I used the soft and light kit called Baby's First Christmas by Stacey Crossley Designs available at Pretty Scrappy (preview to the right).

I love this photo of MT hugging little M while Great Grandma is holding the baby. Love the expression of carefulness on MT's face. He was so scared of hugging little M too hard :D

template by Alamama, Scrapmatters; paper and elements from Baby's first Christmas by Stacey Crossley Designs; heart element from Love and Kisses - February collab kit from Pretty Scrappy; alpha by Britt-ish design, scrapmatters

journal: I love how MT gives little M a hug, ever so carefully..

In October of 2005 I adopted my boy and brought him home, in December of the same year my cousin became father to his little boy. Here they are with their great grandma on her 95th birthday party. Both boys was new to our family, one baby and one 2,5 years old. They both got the same name as their Great Grandpa had. Great Grandma couldn’t be more proud.

09 February 2009

just another day in paradise - week 1 - 2009

Finally I got the first scrap page finished with my 365-project photos. It was so fun to make and I look forward to the others. I decided to go for the Life 365 - stuff from Weeds and Wildflower. It is gorgeous and versatile as well. I love the templates, making things so much easier :D I plan to make a book of these pages so I kept the language my own - Norwegian. It's not a lot of text - you can find more by looking up the photo on the 365 Project 2009 area of my LIMEblog.

just another day in paradise - week 1-2009
January 2009, 1-4 (Background paper is by Pinapple Plantation Designs)

06 February 2009

cute trouble

My kid accurately described in only 2 words :D

alpha is plasticle me alpha by Britt-ish design (recolored); elements and papers are from monstrosity kit by Britt-ish design.

This is a scraplift of this LO by Brittney of Britt-ish design, she has so many fantastic layoutsit was hard choosing, but I loved the letter and simplicity of that one.

04 February 2009

Speed Scrapping for Rachael B :D

I finally got to speed scrap again tonight, it's been SO long ago and I missed it terribly. It was a rush, as always, but so fun with a scrap page finished in two hours. And I actually like it!!!! What is better than that?! ;)

As you can see of my title; I used this speed scrap to scrap with a kit I just downloaded a few hours ago: Winter Wonderland by Creations by B.

It's one of my February assignment as a CT at Pretty Scrappy. And it's gorgeous (look up, click image to go to the store), I'm sure to use something form this kit for other winter photos!!

This was my first try ever to use a grid (or storyboard), and I will for sure use that again. It was fun and a super way to get more photos into the LO without crowding it too much :)

My kid is good at skiing, at least for his age - but he desperately wants to do like the big boys. So he tries and tries until he gets there. That's ENDURANCE in my book. Way to go kiddo!

grid by Mushy (Michelle Filo); alpha by Britt-ish design; papers and elements from Winter Wonderland by Creation by Rachael B.

I AM SO PROUD of you for hanging in there and NOT GIVING UP, even though you fell more times than you stood. But at last you made it over the little jump; just because you tried ONE MORE TIME!

It's late here, better go to bed. I'll add a few links later. Night!!