But here is the blog train at least. And a freebie :)
This month the designers at Pretty Scrappy teamed up to make the Dew Drops kit:

As you can see there are plenty of papers and elements, I used only a few to create this BB:

Hopefully I get some time to play with the kit some more and make a more rain-related LO ;) I'm loving the kids under the umbrella and the boot.
Anyhow I've made the above BB into a QP for you to grab. Please leave me a little comment when you do. Thank you for downloading!

Click the image to download, let me know if there is a problem.
Follow the links to other freebies
- and have a great weekend!
Allison http://on-allisons-time.blogspot.com/- and have a great weekend!
Amanda http://mrsmooshka.blogspot.com/
Candy http://www.scrapsofcandy.blogspot.com/
Creations By Rachael http://creationsbyrachael.blogspot.com/
Designs By Angel http://www.scrappingwithangel.blogspot.com/
Designs By Mel http://designsbymel.blogspot.com/
Helen http://www.helenparker.blogspot.com/
Inspired Mommie Designs http://inspiredmommiedesigns.blogspot.com/
Jas http://jscrapbug.wordpress.com/
Jewel http://bothmadandgenius.blogspot.com/
Just Passin Thru http://justpassinthru.wordpress.com/
Kathy http://kathy70.blogspot.com/
Ladybug Pages http://theladybugpages.wordpress.com/
Lady V dZine http://ladyvdzine.com/
Late Night Scraps http://latenightscraps.blogspot.com/
Lime http://limescrapped.blogspot.com/ <-- you are here!
Malunke http://malunke.blogspot.com/
Neissa http://myscrapsofus.blogspot.com/
Scrappy Shannon http://scrappyshannon.blogspot.com/
Share Your Moments http://shareyourmoments.typepad.com/
Stacey Crossley http://staceycrossley.blogspot.com/
Teri's Thingomyjigs http://www.teristhingomyjigs.blogspot.com
Wendy http://www.inkinandthinkin.typepad.com/
Love the blocking in this. What a fun BB page.
Awesome qps, thanks!
cool bb page. Thanks.
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