Cara of Sweet Tomato designs (she has a freebie template out today, so jump over) is out with a new kit called Today. The kit is filled with colors and elements suited for a whole range of scraps; from the everyday to the holiday kind. I had a lot of fun with it, and LOVE the deep brown and reds combined with the sky blue and lime green.
You can get the kit at Pretty Scrappy only for the month of November, and there is a sweet deal and a challenge. Buy the first part of the kit, make something with it and the load that into the appropriate gallery to receive the second part of the kit for free. What a sweet deal :) Here is a look at the mini-kits:
I've made a few layouts with them already.
everything from Sweet Tomato designs, click image for journaling
template by Janet Phillips all else from Sweet Tomato designs, click images for journaling.
all from Sweet Tomato designs; just a little part of the last LO, all of it will be uploaded to galleries on Dec. 1st.
06 November 2009
01 November 2009
a few childhood memories scrapped
I've been scrapping a few childhood memories for Ali Edwards class Today & Tomorrow at Big Picture Scrapbooking. I love the class, even though I haven't had time to do all the challenges in the appropriate weeks. I'll do it in my own pace, though, a little bit here and a little bit there. The biggest challenge is to get a some of the photos from my childhood scanned in at mom's house. I knew of a few she have - and I'm hoping to find a few others that I can use. Looking forward to get my hands on those, but so far I've been doing a bit of catching up on week 3 - and gathered a few childhood memories. I plan on adding a second page to each of these with photos that goes with the stories.
my random childhood memories vol. 1
credits: template by Ali Edwards; alpha by Sahlin Studio; papers from Every Life Has A Story Chapter 3 by The Digi Chick collab; staples and brads from 365-series (March and February) by Crystal Wilkerson
my random childhood memories vol. 2
credits: template by Ali Edwards; alpha and elements by Sahlin Studio; papers from Life's a Beach by Sahlin Studio; background paper and stitches from Any Given Day by Creashens
I'm using my first language on these ones (Norwegian), here is a few words about the content: 1. how my grandmother read the same book for us every time we came to visit 2. about my grandma's bread and 3. how the smell of dirt reminds me of picking potatoes 4. how my mom decorated the house at Christmas 5. about a solo song I did as a kid 6. about play mates only I could see.
So there you go, another Saturday spent scrapping ;)It was fun, and I can see many more of the same kind of childhood memory scraps coming....
Hope your November started good, we're just chilling at home - blogging, watching telly and enjoying the warmth from our fireplace while the snow is making our garden all bright and white.... Soon the dinner is ready and we have found some energy for a busy week ahead.
Be blessed!
my random childhood memories vol. 1
credits: template by Ali Edwards; alpha by Sahlin Studio; papers from Every Life Has A Story Chapter 3 by The Digi Chick collab; staples and brads from 365-series (March and February) by Crystal Wilkerson
my random childhood memories vol. 2
credits: template by Ali Edwards; alpha and elements by Sahlin Studio; papers from Life's a Beach by Sahlin Studio; background paper and stitches from Any Given Day by Creashens
I'm using my first language on these ones (Norwegian), here is a few words about the content: 1. how my grandmother read the same book for us every time we came to visit 2. about my grandma's bread and 3. how the smell of dirt reminds me of picking potatoes 4. how my mom decorated the house at Christmas 5. about a solo song I did as a kid 6. about play mates only I could see.
Here is the words as I wrote them:
Kvar gong me sov over hos mormor leste ho eit eller fleire kapittler i boka Hakkebakkeskogen. Dette gjekk over fleire år og det var like kjekt kvar gong, sjølv om me til slutt kunne nesten heile boka utanatt. Eg hugsar eg og bror min låg over i huset deira ei sommarnatt, det var uver og tora slo hardt mellom fjella. Me var nok litt redde og det var ikkje lett å finne roa, men mormor visste råd – ho fann fram boka og me sang og leste til veret stilna og augo vart smale. Når eg nå ser boka i bokhylla mi, kan eg ikkje anna enn smile. Gode minne og takksemd fyller tankane.
Eg voks opp på ein gard med Besta og Bestefar som næraste nabo. Det var ikkje reint sjeldan at eg stakk innom dei for ein liten prat – og kanskje for ei brødskive også om det var rette tida på dagen. Besta laga det beste brødet og det var moro å vere med henne og blande deigen, elte han og legge deig-brøda over på steikebrettet. Skulle ønske at eg hadde skrive ned korleis ho laga det, kunne tenke meg litt besta-brød smak nå også.
Lukta av jord får meg til å tenke på alle vår og haust dagar (eller kveldar) som vart bruka til poteter da eg var lita. Det var mykje strev i det å få potetene ned i jorda på vårparten og så opp att midt på hausten. Eg kan ennå kjenne korleis lukta av rå, svart jord fylte nasebora då eg sto bøgd over åkaren, med handa retta ut for å plukke opp nokre nye poteter. Og sjølv om eg skrubba henda flittig, var det ennå svarte rendar att etter ein lang dag i potetåkeren - og ei svak lukt av jord følgde med oss så lenge potetopptakingsdagane varte. Men sjølv om det var slitsamt var det også veldig kjekt - heile familien var igang med arbeidet og ofte kom det også andre innom for å hjelpe oss ein dag eller to. Det var eit godt fellesskap, godt å vere mange ute på åkeren å rope til eller le saman med om ei lita potet susa mot ein uvitandes bakende.... Mamma laga alltid god meddag desse dagane og det var ekstra koseleg å setje seg til bords og delta i praten før me igjen måtte ut og finne poteter - store, middels og små.
Kvar jul så lenge eg kan hugse har mamma pynta huset til trengsel. Det er ei kule, ein snømann, ein engel eller ein nisse i kvar ei kro. Jula var for oss i familien ei tid for glede og feiring. Det var ei tid da det meste gjekk greitt, da me som barn fekk gjere meir som me ville enn nokon annan gong gjennom året. Det var tid for spikkeband og julebukk, for selskap både heime og hos familie og venner. Og det viktigaste av alt – det var ei tid da mamma var glad og avslappa. Sjølv dei største kranglane endte når me svingte opp heime og julemiddagen var bare minutter unna, nå skulle jula nytast.
....var tittelen på ein song eg fekk synge heilt aleine som 10-11 åring ein syttende mai på samfunnshuset. Det var skikkeleg skummelt, men også kjempegøy. Eg kan god hugse kjensla av å få gjere noko eg lika og som eg var god til, sjølv om eg normalt aldri ville ha foreslått meg sjølv om nokon ønska ein solosang. Dette var min fyrste smak av å stå framføre andre og opptre og eg hadde det kjempemore (sjølv om eg aldri ville ha tørt å innrømme det den gongen – det var eg alt for beskjeden til da). At eg seinare fekk vere med tenåringskoret og synge inn denne sangen på kassett - saman med alle dei andre songane koret song - var også med blanda kjensler. Men eit viktig minne. At det stort sett er bare meg som kjenner igjen mi eiga stemme på det opptaket seier meg noko om kor fort eg lærte å bruke stemma skikkeleg etter kvar som eg fekk starte med korsang både her og der.
Eg har alltid lika godt å snakke med meg sjølv, ting blir liksom så mykje klarare når ein høyrer tankane sine høgt (sjølv om det nokre gongar kan virke litt rart for andre som tilfeldigvis kjem forbi kontordøra mi når eg trur at eg er einaste der...). Eg har blitt fortalt at eg starta tidleg, sjølv om eg ikkje kan hugse det sjølv. Pinne og Panne var mine leikekammeratar i sandkassa lenge før eg visste kva usynleg ven var for noko.
So there you go, another Saturday spent scrapping ;)It was fun, and I can see many more of the same kind of childhood memory scraps coming....
Hope your November started good, we're just chilling at home - blogging, watching telly and enjoying the warmth from our fireplace while the snow is making our garden all bright and white.... Soon the dinner is ready and we have found some energy for a busy week ahead.
Be blessed!
childhood memories,
digi scrap
28 October 2009
speed scrap anyone!?
Do you love Speed Scraps?? I do - and I know a whole bunch of others do too. Cara of Sweet Tomato designs is hosting a fun speed scrap tonight at 9 pm EST:
Got to love getting a page finished in a couple of hours - and being able to participate in it together with other scrappers and have some fun as well :) I really wish I could join in on this one - but it's far to early in the morning for me (like 3 or 4 am my time) and I have to work tomorrow, so no sleeping in.
Have some fun for me will ya?!!!! ;)
Got to love getting a page finished in a couple of hours - and being able to participate in it together with other scrappers and have some fun as well :) I really wish I could join in on this one - but it's far to early in the morning for me (like 3 or 4 am my time) and I have to work tomorrow, so no sleeping in.
Have some fun for me will ya?!!!! ;)
speed scrap,
sweet tomato designs
26 October 2009
Spooks - LO's and a blog train
I've been doing a bit of scrapping lately - but sadly not much blogging (at least not here). But now I'm back to show you what I did with Spooks, the new kit from Sweet Tomato designs.
If you want some freebies I also have links to a blog train at the bottom of this post. Yay! And this week the kit is 25% off at both Pretty Scrappy and Designs in Digital - go grab some godies for Halloween ;)
Since I live in Norway we don't celebrate Halloween that much, so I based my LO on my thoughts about the season instead of showing what we (don't) do...
Anyway, here it is - I can't tell you how much I love the colors Cara used in this kit - and that spider is just too cute:
credits: template by me (lime); papers and elements from Spooks by Sweet Tomato designs
I also made a more spooky LO with MT and his grandpa:
credits: template by Janet Phillips (moderated); elements and papers from Spooks by Sweet Tomato designs
As you can see - I had some fun making these!!
Now, are you ready for some blog hopping?! The train are already set in motion and here are the stations. Behind all of these links are a freebie from one of my talented friends of the Sweet Tomato designs CT-team and we're starting with Cara the Sweet Tomato herself:
Sweet Tomato Designs
Happy hunting :D
If you want some freebies I also have links to a blog train at the bottom of this post. Yay! And this week the kit is 25% off at both Pretty Scrappy and Designs in Digital - go grab some godies for Halloween ;)
Since I live in Norway we don't celebrate Halloween that much, so I based my LO on my thoughts about the season instead of showing what we (don't) do...
Anyway, here it is - I can't tell you how much I love the colors Cara used in this kit - and that spider is just too cute:
credits: template by me (lime); papers and elements from Spooks by Sweet Tomato designs
journal: I have never carved a pumpkin...
Growing up in Norway in the 70th (and 80th), I didn’t know much about the tradition and celebrations of Halloween. It was first in my teens that I started to learn a few things about it, mostly from watching American sit Com's and dramas on TV. I didn’t pay much attention to it, though, the series mostly aired on the wrong time of the year anyway. So most years the fall went by without much thoughts about the season celebrated in other countries. Our stores wasn't filled with pumpkin and scary crows to remind me about it either. Now I know more about the day and how it is celebrated, I also know a bit about the days origin. It's still not a part of my years of celebration, but now we can find scary masks and plastic pumpkin in stores here as well.
Lately I’ve seen Halloween emerge as a celebrated day in our country as well, even small and mostly among the young school kids. I know my kid have started to pick up on it; there might be some trick or treating coming from him in a few years (and a question for some fun and scary costumes). I guess it’s manly the commercial side of it all, that is the background for the emerge of new traditions here. I’m not sure I like that very much; If you asked me I’d rather have Thanksgiving. We live in one of the worlds riches countries, we should set of one day of the year to give thanks and to acknowledge the gift of living in a safe country.
I've registered that there are some different opinions among the churches wheter to celebrate this day or not; knowing a bit about the history I understand why even though I haven't given it much thought myself since this isn't much celebrated here. That being said there isn’t just bad associated with the season; I love the colors, the candy and the overall fun and happy thing about it. And if anyone where to come visiting us on the last day of October, I surely would go in search of any kind of candy or sweets to give them :D
I also made a more spooky LO with MT and his grandpa:
credits: template by Janet Phillips (moderated); elements and papers from Spooks by Sweet Tomato designs
journal: September evenings are dark and never long enough. My dad usually works on the field till he can't distinguish the grains from the grass – and then he have a few many things to take care off ion the farm; in the darkness. MT helped him hold the light one of these fall nights- and he had so much fun making scary faces and spooking around with the flash light. Safe in the darkness, with his Grandpa right by his side.
As you can see - I had some fun making these!!
Now, are you ready for some blog hopping?! The train are already set in motion and here are the stations. Behind all of these links are a freebie from one of my talented friends of the Sweet Tomato designs CT-team and we're starting with Cara the Sweet Tomato herself:
Sweet Tomato Designs
Happy hunting :D
blog train,
sweet tomato designs
03 October 2009
I'm a new CT for Sweet Tomato Designs :)
Cara of Sweet Tomato Designs have given me a place on her CT team. I'm so happy and can't wait to start creating with her designs. As a CT for Pretty Scrappy (the store) I've already scrapped with two her kits, the Darjeeling Kit and Autumn Bliss
I love her deep, rich colors; the yellow in both of these kits are making me feel light and warm :D This is what I have made before (click images for credits and journaling):
And this one I made yesterday (with an old photo I've been waiting to scrap forever):
I only wish I knew when this photo was captured, but the cell phone ¨photo file doesn't tell me that. My guess is 2-3 or something years ago. I know for a fact that it's taken when we lived in the western part of Norway, but that is all (at least for now). :)
We got our first snow of the season today. I was planning moving to our new house, but I'm not driving on snowy roads with my summer tires - so now I'm blogging instead :D
Better go and pack a few more boxes, this snow is bound to go away in a few hours and then we'll see if we are in the mood for moving like planned - or if we rather stay here a little bit more (having fun surfing on our broad band, hehe). In that case we are going to the store because we are out of a few essentials...... Anyhow, see you around!!
this is a cross-post from
I love her deep, rich colors; the yellow in both of these kits are making me feel light and warm :D This is what I have made before (click images for credits and journaling):
And this one I made yesterday (with an old photo I've been waiting to scrap forever):
I only wish I knew when this photo was captured, but the cell phone ¨photo file doesn't tell me that. My guess is 2-3 or something years ago. I know for a fact that it's taken when we lived in the western part of Norway, but that is all (at least for now). :)
We got our first snow of the season today. I was planning moving to our new house, but I'm not driving on snowy roads with my summer tires - so now I'm blogging instead :D
Better go and pack a few more boxes, this snow is bound to go away in a few hours and then we'll see if we are in the mood for moving like planned - or if we rather stay here a little bit more (having fun surfing on our broad band, hehe). In that case we are going to the store because we are out of a few essentials...... Anyhow, see you around!!
this is a cross-post from
crosspost limeblog,
first snow,
sweet tomato designs
18 September 2009
this scrapbooking thing
A year and some months ago I downloaded PSE (photoshop elements) determent to find out if doing digital scrapbooking was as fun as Valerie told me it was. And, man, was it ever. I've been making a lot of layouts over these months and have had so much fun.
my two very first LO's, to the left a quick page - to the right using a template. click image for credits!
Lately I've also started making cards and gifts as well; what most scrap bookers call hybrid scrapping. And that has been more fun and giving (and time consuming) than I ever thought possible.
click images for credits
This week I received my new 8x8 albums in the mail and I've started to print out some of the layouts I did last fall to put into them; one album for us, one for places and one for family & friends. I'm so happy for the memories I have preserved (some I have forgot ever making). I'm learning new stuff about PSE every month and many of the older layouts make that clear with their lack proper shadowing and other things I didn't know how to do back then. A few of them are really not my best work (to put it mildly), but I have decided to keep them as they are (more or less - I'm adding a bit of shadow on most and removing some of the more heavy shadows on a few). The layouts themselves tell a story about my way as a scrapper and I want to keep that intact too.
I'm now, sadly, out of photo paper - but can't wait to print out the rest of it!!
mini albums to my favorite twins :D
Right now I'm also working on a few gift for some very special girls (have been working on and off on this for the last month took me some time to get the rings and things for them....), I'm now ALMOST finished and I'm so happy with how they turned out. Hoping the girls will love them too!!
I'm going to bed now, only have one more mini album shot more to show you; the dangling one ;) Loving this one! And, by the way, all photos are SOOC (straight out of camera). I usually only edit photos when I'm going to use them in a layout or print them or make gifts...... I used a hight set ISO and lots of ugly indoor lights to capture these beauties :p
Looooving the view of all the papers; some thin, some thick (the thick one have images on both sides).
The above is a cross post from - so sorry for not updating the last month (and a half!!), I've been busy thought, with both regular scrapbooking and hybrid stuff.
Hope to see you soon!!
crosspost limeblog,
digi scrap,
mini album,
03 August 2009
some pretty scrappy stuff ;)
My creative work had to be set away for a couple days this week. My real life needed some attention there for a while since my Grandma died Wednesday night . It's sad and I will miss her terribly, but it's also what was expected since she was 98.5 years old and we already had her with us on over-time (or how to put it). I'm so thankful for all the years we had her with us.
Anyhow, last night I finished up my assignment for July at Pretty Scrappy and got started on some for August as well ;)
#3 LO for July:
A double paged faith scrap.
I used the fun and funky Sunset Funk from Inkin' Creation for this one. I love the colors in this kit and that gorgeous see-through sun ;)
Here is my double paged go (the individual sides are below the credits):
credits: template by Ali Edwards; papers and elements from Sunset Funk by Inkin' Creations; strawberry from Strawberry Hill by Studio Ellie; camera stamp from Photogenic by Paislee Press
Left side:
Right side:
Color Challenge in August:
This month's challenge is posted in the forum. Please head over and join in on the challenge!
Collab kit LO:
In the month of August the kit is called Drama Queen. Look out for freebies and a blog train starting here at Crystal's blog (it's not stopping at Lime station this month). Here is a preview of the kit; available now at Pretty Scrappy.
Here is where it took me:
credits: template from Blocking Templates and word tag from Snipettes: Life's a Beach both by Sahlin Studio; hanging clip from Monstrosity by Britt-ish Design; staples from Drama King and papers and elements from Drama Queen both by Pretty Scrappy Designer Team
Anyhow, last night I finished up my assignment for July at Pretty Scrappy and got started on some for August as well ;)
#3 LO for July:
A double paged faith scrap.
I used the fun and funky Sunset Funk from Inkin' Creation for this one. I love the colors in this kit and that gorgeous see-through sun ;)
Here is my double paged go (the individual sides are below the credits):
credits: template by Ali Edwards; papers and elements from Sunset Funk by Inkin' Creations; strawberry from Strawberry Hill by Studio Ellie; camera stamp from Photogenic by Paislee Press
scripture (Ecclesiastes 3:9-13) :
What do people really get for all their hard work? I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.
Left side:
Right side:
Color Challenge in August:
This month's challenge is posted in the forum. Please head over and join in on the challenge!
Collab kit LO:
In the month of August the kit is called Drama Queen. Look out for freebies and a blog train starting here at Crystal's blog (it's not stopping at Lime station this month). Here is a preview of the kit; available now at Pretty Scrappy.
Here is where it took me:
credits: template from Blocking Templates and word tag from Snipettes: Life's a Beach both by Sahlin Studio; hanging clip from Monstrosity by Britt-ish Design; staples from Drama King and papers and elements from Drama Queen both by Pretty Scrappy Designer Team
Nothing like spending time with great friends and jumping on the trampoline together!
faith scrap,
pretty scrappy,
27 July 2009
christmas in july...
The Daily Digi got me do it!!
I'm not one for being early when it comes to preparing for December and Christmas. Late November usually suits me just fine.
That was before this post and this image:
Isn't it just beautiful!! (creation and image by Janet Phillips - the daily digi)
It got me wanting to make something gorgeous for our first upcoming Advent- and Christmas time in the old pastor house (yep, moving there this fall).
To be honest I've wanted to do one of these ever since I first saw the idea of December Daily at Ali's blog last year. So in December 2008 I took a lot of photos and even wrote a journal (where is that anyway?!?!), my plan was to make the pages digital and then print them all as a photo book. But I never came around to actually making it...... (and then my computer got hungry and ate all my photos...or rather he got sick with a virus).
But no shame in trying again! And this year I'm eager to make my own album. I've never done that before, but why not?!?!
I downloaded Janet's bracket shape and made a few shapes of my own to make the album a mix max of different shapes and possibilities. I clipped on papers from "Have A Jolly Holiday" collection by Gina Marie Huff and printed them out at home. Tonight I plan on cutting out the rest of the shapes and bind the pages together with a lace or something (have to go to a hobby store to get rings to bind it; no one of those around so I'll do that later).
These are a few of the pages I've got printet; together with gold cardboard card stock they are making up my fundation for the december daily 2009 album. I'll add photos and journaling cards as I see fit when I get to the actually days. The goal is to make the album as we go so I don't have to make 25 pages at Boxing Day!! Whis me luck ;)
This is me hoping to actually get an album filled with photos and words (and those gorgeous doodles by Gina) by New Years. I'll keep you December(!)
I'm not one for being early when it comes to preparing for December and Christmas. Late November usually suits me just fine.
That was before this post and this image:
Isn't it just beautiful!! (creation and image by Janet Phillips - the daily digi)
It got me wanting to make something gorgeous for our first upcoming Advent- and Christmas time in the old pastor house (yep, moving there this fall).
To be honest I've wanted to do one of these ever since I first saw the idea of December Daily at Ali's blog last year. So in December 2008 I took a lot of photos and even wrote a journal (where is that anyway?!?!), my plan was to make the pages digital and then print them all as a photo book. But I never came around to actually making it...... (and then my computer got hungry and ate all my photos...or rather he got sick with a virus).
But no shame in trying again! And this year I'm eager to make my own album. I've never done that before, but why not?!?!
I downloaded Janet's bracket shape and made a few shapes of my own to make the album a mix max of different shapes and possibilities. I clipped on papers from "Have A Jolly Holiday" collection by Gina Marie Huff and printed them out at home. Tonight I plan on cutting out the rest of the shapes and bind the pages together with a lace or something (have to go to a hobby store to get rings to bind it; no one of those around so I'll do that later).
These are a few of the pages I've got printet; together with gold cardboard card stock they are making up my fundation for the december daily 2009 album. I'll add photos and journaling cards as I see fit when I get to the actually days. The goal is to make the album as we go so I don't have to make 25 pages at Boxing Day!! Whis me luck ;)
This is me hoping to actually get an album filled with photos and words (and those gorgeous doodles by Gina) by New Years. I'll keep you December(!)
daily digi,
december daily
meeting mr. king crab
We spent a week in North Norway in May/June, visiting some good friends. Every morning we walked from the guest house and to our friends home; from one side to the other of the little town. One day we saw that the fishermen where loading crabs of a boat. And we had to get closer and have a look. It was amazing to see these huge crabs up close, MT got a little bit scared of their long legs, though....
So whit this I give you the LO (mentioned below) I was supposed to finish in a few vacation nights.... I got it finished today a couple of weeks after I got it started:
credits: template, journal and day tag from The 365 Challenge {May} kit by Crystal Wilkerson; papers, alpha and element from Ocean Dreams by Chris Greiser
This was the second of my CT-assignment for the month of July. I worked on the kit Ocean Dreams by Chris Greiser (image linked to shop; right now on sale for $3)
So whit this I give you the LO (mentioned below) I was supposed to finish in a few vacation nights.... I got it finished today a couple of weeks after I got it started:
credits: template, journal and day tag from The 365 Challenge {May} kit by Crystal Wilkerson; papers, alpha and element from Ocean Dreams by Chris Greiser
It was so fun and special looking at these huge crabs while the fishermen loaded them of the boat. Will you hold one? the fisherman asked MT. NO! MT screamed. The crabs were just too big and too alive!
This was the second of my CT-assignment for the month of July. I worked on the kit Ocean Dreams by Chris Greiser (image linked to shop; right now on sale for $3)
king crab,
north norway,
pretty scrappy
26 July 2009
summer scrapping thoughts and a LO
Brought my laptop with me on vacation expected to do some scrapping in the evening and night. But didn't do much more than read email, update facebook and twitter + read favorite blogs (scrapping one as well as family and friends). One of the first evenings I got started on a LO, but I have still to finish it (will do tonight, though - look for a new post later).
We got home Thursday morning after driving all night. After some sleep and a not so much productive day I've slowly gotten my LO and projects together. I've still a few things to fix before work starts on Tuesday - but I'm planning to get there....tomorrow I'm off to buy some more ink to my printer and a few more heavy weight card stock to get my December Daily album ready (EARLY!!) - can't wait to fill it with photos and words. Thanks to Janet and The Daily Digi for inspiring me :D
But for this post I wanted to show you my first page of Summer Highlights (I'm planning to make the second in September adding the late summer photos - it will be a super two page spread with a quick look on what happened the summer of 2009):
Credits: template from SUMMER 8x8 mini album by Janet Phillips; papers and elements from Splish Splash by Casey Krause; wordart from Summer Sorbet by Zoe Pearn (part of The Digi Files 6; available only the month of July 2009)
This LO is one of my CT-assignment at Pretty Scrappy here is the preview of the Splish Splash kit by Casey Krause (image is linked to store right now you can get the kit for only $1).
We got home Thursday morning after driving all night. After some sleep and a not so much productive day I've slowly gotten my LO and projects together. I've still a few things to fix before work starts on Tuesday - but I'm planning to get there....tomorrow I'm off to buy some more ink to my printer and a few more heavy weight card stock to get my December Daily album ready (EARLY!!) - can't wait to fill it with photos and words. Thanks to Janet and The Daily Digi for inspiring me :D
But for this post I wanted to show you my first page of Summer Highlights (I'm planning to make the second in September adding the late summer photos - it will be a super two page spread with a quick look on what happened the summer of 2009):
Credits: template from SUMMER 8x8 mini album by Janet Phillips; papers and elements from Splish Splash by Casey Krause; wordart from Summer Sorbet by Zoe Pearn (part of The Digi Files 6; available only the month of July 2009)
This summer we have been having fun with friends & family, seen our new house, enjoyed nature, taking baths in both cold and warm water, eaten dinner outside, been at home and on travel, ride the ferry, laughed, eaten ice cream and enjoyed the sunshine.
This LO is one of my CT-assignment at Pretty Scrappy here is the preview of the Splish Splash kit by Casey Krause (image is linked to store right now you can get the kit for only $1).
pretty scrappy,
01 July 2009
july collab at PS = blog train + freebie w/coupon
July 1th arrived at my place with sunny, warm & beautiful weather. Got to love summer (no matter how hot it turn - at least here at our place with the long cold winter it's highly appreciated!!) - and now our bathing season have started. To celebrate that I've scrapped the second bath of the season (10 days ago - it was still pretty cold).
credits: template by Molly Schneider; alpha from 365 February Kit by Crystal Wilkerson; all else from Drama King; collab kit July from Pretty Scrappy
Pretty Scrappy is out with a new collab (I used it on the LO above) - DRAMA KING - and a few of us got to take part in the train of freebies. Yippee. Here is mine (click image) - thank you for downloading! Please let me know if anything is wrong and leave me a link to your version if you upload it to any galleries - as always I love to see it!!
freebie download link store link kit link
Included in the zip file are one 4x6 QP with the word summer and one without.... there is also a coupon to save a little in the store. (collect all the coupons by downloading all the freebies). Let me know if something is wrong with the download.
Here is what I scrapped with it:
Credits: template by chililime design {me} (coming freebie of July...); papers and elements from Drama King by Pretty Scrappy designers (July collab.); date stamp from Date Me no. 2 by Paislee Press
You're next station on the blog train is:
credits: template by Molly Schneider; alpha from 365 February Kit by Crystal Wilkerson; all else from Drama King; collab kit July from Pretty Scrappy
Finally the summer days are here again and the water is getting warmer each day. We love it and go swimming as often as we can - here MT’s is on his second bath. Still so cold that he doesn’t dip his whole body in it.
Pretty Scrappy is out with a new collab (I used it on the LO above) - DRAMA KING - and a few of us got to take part in the train of freebies. Yippee. Here is mine (click image) - thank you for downloading! Please let me know if anything is wrong and leave me a link to your version if you upload it to any galleries - as always I love to see it!!
freebie download link store link kit link
Included in the zip file are one 4x6 QP with the word summer and one without.... there is also a coupon to save a little in the store. (collect all the coupons by downloading all the freebies). Let me know if something is wrong with the download.
Here is what I scrapped with it:
Credits: template by chililime design {me} (coming freebie of July...); papers and elements from Drama King by Pretty Scrappy designers (July collab.); date stamp from Date Me no. 2 by Paislee Press
You're next station on the blog train is:
Here are all the stations - in case you slept through some of them ;) :
Lynn - Mara - Kathy - Wendy - Tanya - Helen - Jewel - Manda
- You are here!! - Suzan - Gail
Happy journey - and don't forget to say thanks!!
blog train,
27 June 2009
A little reminder: I haven't seen any responses to my template challenge. If you have made a LO and just forgot to tell me please place a comment in this post. In a couple of days the template will not be available, so download now if you like it. :) (You can download the template by clicking the image two posts below.....)
We've had such great warm summer weather lately. I love it :) Right now I'm blogging to you from our veranda - with the bugs zooming around me and the neighbor cutting grass on the field. Nice!! I wanted to show you a few of my latest scrap pages and some other stuff too. So here we go.
1. CT-stuff; Pretty Scrappy
- a new collab kit is soon in the store, look out for blog train freebies on July 1st.
- June assignment
I have done three out of four LOs this month (the last one i coming soon - just didn't turn out like I wanted at first so I had to start from scratch....)
The Ferry Ride - I love this photo of my nephew and niece. Glad I finally got to scrap it!!
credits: papers and elements from lazy summer by double dutch design; alpha foam stamp alpha - sorbet by sahlin studio
journal:s.a.f.e - I love this gorgeous eye! Can't wait to see all of her in our vacation in July (and her sisters too!) ;)
It was so exciting! My FAVORITE nephew and niece were visiting me at my home by the fjord. We were FERRY RIDING for their first time. They loved it - although it was a new feeling - and I LOVED having them there with me showing them everything that was my everyday life.
credits: paper and element from unconditional love by late night scraps
I promised my self to make more faith scraps (like Jess of Scrapbook Ideas do). It's about time I made some!! The scripture is from Psalm 17:8. I hope to do some more soon!!
2. The Spraground
I've been a fan of Jessica Sprague for a while and did a great FREE class with her last fall. This week she's celebrating 2 years in business with freebies and challenges.
So far I've only got time to enter one challenge - but for that I made 2 scraps(!) The above shown faith scrap and this strawberry one below. It took me some time to get it together, but I love the result. Come back for updates on this one; hopefully I get to scrap about him actually EATING the strawberries too ;)
Bloom On
credits: page from sprung by creashens; elements from strawberry hill by ellie lash; quotes from foam stamp alpha - sorbet by shalin studio; heart stamp from make it count by fei-fei's stuff; wordart from bloom + grow by ali edwards (songbird's april kit)
journal:Jessica is hosting a new FREE class in July - as long as you sign on by midninght Sunday EST. Click image below to join.
Strawberries are MT’s favorite berries. In the garden we have a few plants planted by the previous owner.I was thinking about removing them, but MT wanted them to stay and to care for them. This spring he has gone to look at them almost everyday. Some days he even remembered to give them some water. Although, the last weeks he seems to have forgotten them completely. I told him to go look today - and he was so surprised.
wow. they have gotten so big!! when can I eat them??!! I reckon there will be a some days before they are big enough.I'm only glad to see something in my garden are eatable...
3. An apple layout
I found this kit called apple apple by luck browsing through the after 5 store. I love it and it has a lot of apples in it ;) Here is my first go scrapping with it. From our everyday life.
credits: paper and elements from apple apple by emiko designs
MT is enjoying a mouthful of delicious apple. 12. mai 2009
Kiddo have been telling me to finish this up and come join him for a bike ride - for a while. So I'll better go on a little journey with him before he'll head to bed. Tomorrow the plan is to go swimming somewhere. Summer life is good!!
Wishing you all a nice and blessed weekend. Thanks for reading!!
20 June 2009
recent LO's + reminder
A little reminder: only one day left of the template challenge. If you haven't already, jump to this post, download the template and join in the challenge. There will be a price of $3 for the winning layout!! :) (You can download the template by clicking the image two posts below.....)
Just a couple of recent layouts to show you. I try to scrap one LO each day, but this week I haven't been much productive. But I made this from MT's first bath of the season. It was so cold - but he was super happy for it still; what is it with children and water?!? ;)
Anyhow it was made for the Copycat challenge at Oscraps - the challenge runs to the end of the month, so lots of time for you to join in on the fun ;)
For credits, journal and a chance to leave me some love: click the image!
Then there is this simple, but heart felt LO, I made last week with photo from our trip to North Norway a couple of weeks ago (we had such a great time there will be several layouts with photos from that short vacation - in the last post I used a few in the LO's of Tuesday and Saturday). This is also in answer to a challenge, this time at Catscrap.
For credits and a chance to leave me some love: click the image!
Thanks for looking - now go and join in my challenge and get that template scrapped in your unique way!! I look forward to see what you'll make! :D
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